Honey-process coffee on drying bed after fruit skin is only partially removed.

Why Fair Trade?

Today's global market enables—and often encourages—compromise at the expense of farmers and workers. Caffe Ibis is committed to the Fair Trade movement demanding higher standards for everyone—putting people and our planet first.

Fair trade exists so we can support what’s fair.

Fair trade is a global movement made up of a diverse network of producers, companies, shoppers, advocates, and organizations putting people and planet first. Based on the simple idea that the products we buy and sell are connected to the livelihoods of others, fair trade is a way to make a conscious choice for a better world. A choice for Fairtrade® Certified goods is a choice to support responsible companies, empower farmers, workers, and fishermen, and protect the environment. In other words, it’s a world-changing way of doing business.

Fair trade for producers

The fair trade movement began as a way to connect disadvantaged producers to vibrant, global markets. The goal was to create trading partnerships founded on transparency, fairness, and economic empowerment. Today we continue this tradition, delivering long-term benefits to farms, factories, and fisheries, and the people who represent them.


By buying Fairtrade coffee with the FLO award, consumers support both the producer and the community. The money comes back to us, and as members, we decide together where to invest these resources.

Joselinda Manueles, Founding Member, COMSA Coffee Cooperative, Honduras